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Back to School Checklist for Teachers

Back to School Checklist for Teachers

School Checklist for Teachers

Back to School Checklist for Teachers

It is that time of the year again, is your classroom ready? Getting your classroom ready for the new school year can be overwhelming. To ease the stress, here is a back-to-school checklist to follow.

Create a Seating Chart and Name Tags

By implementing a seating chart and making name tags at the start of the year, teachers will learn their student’s names sooner. Teachers will know who is sitting where and be able to recognize faces in a shorter amount of time. As the school year goes on, teachers can determine which students are disruptive together and which need extra attention. After the teacher can establish those students, the seating chart can be changed accordingly to manage the classroom better by separating students or moving them close to the front.

School Checklist for Teachers
Engaging, Fun Classroom

Decorate Bulletin Boards and Learning Areas

Decorating bulletin boards and learning areas will give students a fun and encouraging learning environment. Creating a classroom theme before decorating avoids being “sensory-rich,” which can distract students. Providing an environment that is engaging and inspiring enhances learning. To accomplish that, teachers should include colorful, educational posters, plants that clean the air, student’s artwork, and adequate lighting.

Decide on Icebreakers for the First Day of School

By doing icebreakers on the first day of school, teachers and students can get to know each other. Icebreakers give the students an idea of who has common interests and encourages them to mingle amongst themselves, ultimately becoming friends. As the school year goes on, you will want to make time for icebreakers regularly. This improves student participation, builds a classroom community, and can be a learning activity

Set up a Classroom Calendar and Schedule

On your classroom calendar, you should include the student’s birthdays to give the classroom an inclusive feel. The calendar should also consist of the schedule for the day, the lunch schedule, and upcoming events for the month such as field trips. Having a classroom calendar allows students to know what’s going on without having to ask, giving them a sense of independence. Since the classroom is full of little helpers, assigning classroom jobs is a great way to get the calendar filled out. Assign students to fill out the schedule for a week and one to go over the school day at the beginning of the day.

Stock the First Aid Kit and Post Emergency Procedures

The first aid kit should be fully stocked with the essentials and placed where every student has access to it. Every institution has specific emergency procedures depending on the emergency and where the classroom is located. It is essential to not only post the procedures but to also go over them to ensure every student understands them. This will lessen any confusion and keep chaos to a minimum in case there is an emergency. Be sure to include a map of emergency routes so students know where to go and you can keep your classroom together.

School Checklist for Teachers

Email Parents a Welcome Packet Before the First Day of School

Parents should know what to expect throughout the school year. By emailing a welcome packet to parents before the first day of school allows them to ask any questions or express concerns they may have before the school year starts. Allowing parents to learn more about the school year and their children’s teacher gives them some extra comfort.

Develop Classroom Rules

Developing classroom rules early on in the school year is crucial because it informs students of what behavior is acceptable in the classroom and what is expected from them. It is also a good idea to include a list of the classroom rules in the welcome packet for the parents so they know what the rules are and can help enforce them.

Using this checklist, when getting your classroom ready will minimize stress and make sure you do not forget any tasks! Making sure that your class is inviting and organized is a sure way to promote student engagement and make students excited to come to learn.

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Back to School Checklist for Teachers

by Melissa Patterson time to read: 3 min